Although we were on an island surrounded by water and swimming was a frequent pastime, we knew we were going to have to keep a close eye on our two littlest boys. One evening, as we sat around the table chatting after supper, Philip decided that the fire bucket looked like a fantastic opportunity. When most of us weren't paying close attention...(and those that were viewed the upcoming experiment through the lens of a camera) he considered his options. You can see the look of mischief and calculation in his eyes . . . .

"Hmmm... there's water in this bucket. And Mom's not looking... What happens if I just put one leg in? Or better yet, all of me?"

Delighted with the result, Philip discovered that if he sat down quickly, the water would slosh up his front and into his face. The game was on, accompanied by contagious little-boy giggles. Even when he managed to tip the bucket over and land face first in wet pine needles, he was eager to get right back in once the bucket was refilled for him.
There are dozens of images of Philip that will remain in my heart and memory forever, but Philip's adventure with the water bucket is one of the best. Second only to the way he cuddled into my arms to fall asleep when I rocked him and the sound of his little voice calling "Gamma" to get my attention. I miss you, Philip. More than words can ever express.