Jack Calvin
A flying trip to Massachusetts to attend Jack's Christening. Of course, any excuse to be with my kids and grandkids is a good one. We had a busy, but wonderful three days. It's clear to see that this summer at the lake is going to be really fun. Natalie and Lynn appear ready to get up to any mischief together and Theresa and Jacqui had great fun hanging out with each other. Only Juliana is odd man out, no 8 yr olds to play with. In the future, Jack and Philip are going to be another pair to keep our eyes on. What one doesn't think of the other will and they'll both probably tease the girls unmercifully. But for this year and next at least, they'll just be adorable babies to enjoy!

Lynn, Natalie, Theresa, Jacqui, Juliana and Macayla

Philip Calvin - now almost one month old.