Okay - time to get back to work and get this manuscript into shape. At a conference last fall, I won a critique from an editor of a well-known publishing house. It included a 15 minute phone call to discuss my project. While I would have loved to have her ask for the full manuscript (who wouldn't?) I got the next best thing. In her words, "The writing is strong, the characters come to life and I found the world engaging." She went on to discuss genres and the fact that while this story had a lot to recommend it, I needed to focus on a specific genre and aim my writing toward it. She had a lot of tips on where I could go with this effort, and she also wanted me to consider how it might be made into one of a three book series. She ended by saying that if I wanted to resubmit this book when I had worked on the issues we discussed, she would be glad to look at it again. Words of supreme encouragement.
Now to get to work. On the book I was working on when she called, on the book we discussed, and on ideas for two more. That ought to keep me busy and out of trouble!