Summer is well and truly arrived - even before the calendar said so. Temps into the 90s every day, hot and humid. And I am loving it! Duffy, however, is not quite as pleased. When the sun is shining, he prefers to sprawl on the cool tile indoors. Then the thunderstorms blow up in the late afternoon and he just wants to cower under my desk. So, most of our beach walks are first thing in the morning before it's too hot and long before the thunderstorms start.
I am looking forward to seeing my kids and grandkids, but I'm not looking forward to leaving my little bungalow at the beach for most of the summer. I really do love living here and I'll miss it. Only 12 days left, and we'll be on our way to New England. Among other plans for the summer are a chance to catch up with my Dad who is 91 now (going on 82,) a week babysitting two grandkids while their nanny is on vacation, a short visit to New York for the christening of my youngest grandchild, visits with friends in Maine and a week at the Island (in New Hampshire) with ALL my kids and grandkids, our annual family extravaganza we call Mutt's Nuts. But first, I get to celebrate my birthday, enjoy a parade and fireworks for the 4th of July and watch the last shuttle launch on July 8th.